Home > Conditions Treated > Bursitis, Synovitis and Capsulitis
Bursitis is inflammation and a painful swelling of a small sac of fluid called a bursa. Bursae (plural of bursa) are fluid filled cushions that help absorb shock and lubricate areas where tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles, or bones rub against each other. People who repeat the same movement over and over or who put continued pressure on a joint in their jobs, sports, or daily activities have a greater chance of getting bursitis.
The anatomical location of MTP bursa is at the base of metatarsophalangeal joint. Any condition that causes over-riding of metatarsal bones can aggravate the risk of developing bursitis as a result of tissue compression in the region. Many cases of Morton’s neuroma present with adjacent bursitis and in some cases it can be very hard to differentiate the true cause of pain. In most cases, painful MTP bursitis involves first MTP joint. A bunion together with pain around the MTP joint is suggestive of MTP bursitis.
Synovitis is inflammation of the tissues that line a joint causing increased fluid in the joint and even joint instability. In general Synovitis is commonly associated with specific diseases such as arthritis or gout but may also be the result of overuse or trauma. Symptoms of synovitis may include redness, swelling, warmth, and pain with joint motion.
Regardless of the site of inflammatory process, the treatment protocols are similar. the key is to have a clinician experienced with diagnosing and treating these conditions. Inflammatory lesions of MTP joint (synovitis, capsulitis, bursitis) usually responds to conservative therapies and surgery is not usually required in most cases. Most common interventions are:
Synovitis can be treated with a viscosupplementation injection (such as Synvisc) into the joint or a Platelet Rich Plasma injection.
Bursitis can be optimally treated with a Platelet Rich Plasma injection.
Capsulitis can be treated with a Platelet Rich Plasma injection.
Although Orthobiologic Cell Therapy is considered by some people to be experimental, various research studies show that some marrow aspirate concentrate and platelet rich plasma injections may provide excellent relief from joint and musculoskeletal pain and ongoing inflammation.
600 Worcester Rd, Ste 301,
Framingham, MA 01702
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